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Boundless Blessings to Grandpa and Grandma Cheng

Boundless Blessings to Grandpa and Grandma Cheng

Grandpa Cheng is one of the beneficiaries of Tzu Chi receiving medical home care. On 26 April 2015, which also happened to be the 80th birthday of Grandma Cheng, the Tzu Chi medical home care team arrived at their house, and not only did they conduct the

Miscellaneous |

My Second Home — The Tzu Chi Eco-Awareness Centre

My Second Home — The Tzu Chi Eco-Awareness Centre

The Tzu Chi Eco-Awareness Centre not only collects and sorts recyclables. In addition to educating the public on being environmentally friendly, it is also the second home to many “aunties”. Since it became operational in August 2014, the coordinator...

Env. Protection |

A Small-Scale Buddha Bathing Ceremony for the Needy

A Small-Scale Buddha Bathing Ceremony for the Needy

On 23 April 2015, the Tzu Chi medical home care service team, together with the charity team, organized a small-scale Buddha Bathing Ceremony at the Tzu Chi Free Clinic. In all, 24 beneficiaries, 10 of their family members and 4 other elderly folks from t

Miscellaneous |

A Vegetarian Diet ─ From the Foetal Stage

A Vegetarian Diet ─ From the Foetal Stage

Tzu Ching alumnus Lee Yuen Kuan and her husband Phoon Kin Ming decided in 2009 that their future children would all follow a vegetarian diet, right from the foetal development stage. Now, their two children Phoon Yi Xin and Phoon Yi Qing, who are both...

Education, People |

Post-TIMA Conference Reconnection Night

Post-TIMA Conference Reconnection Night

From 6 to 8 March, 2015, the Tzu Chi Foundation (Singapore) held its inaugural Tzu Chi International Medical Association (TIMA) Conference, which was attended by more than 350 participants. One month later, 78 healthcare workers, most of whom had particip

Medicine |

Thank You Sir for Not Scolding Me

Thank You Sir for Not Scolding Me

On 10 April 2015, Mr. Lin Cheng Cai, a teacher from the Hualien Tzu Chi High School, shared parenting and counselling techniques with an audience of 318 at the Jing Si Hall. With a wealth of teaching experience, Mr. Lin was able to impart effective strate

Education |

Tzu Chi Singapore Remembers a Founding Father

Tzu Chi Singapore Remembers a Founding Father

In the early hours of 23 March 2015, Singapore’s founding Prime Minister Mr Lee Kuan Yew passed on at the age of 91, and many turned up to mourn his passing at the 18 islandwide community tribute sites. On 28 March 2015, 250 volunteers from Tzu Chi Singap

Miscellaneous |

Little Farmers Learn About Vegetables and Health

Little Farmers Learn About Vegetables and Health

In conjunction with the topic of “My Healthy Food,” teachers from the Tzu Chi Great Love PreSchool brought 56 children ranging from 3 to 6 years of age to a vegetable farm for a learning visit. After the excursion, the children took pea shoot and wheatgra

Education |

Seeds of Hope Financial Assistance Benefits Another 400

Seeds of Hope Financial Assistance Benefits Another 400

The Seeds of Hope (SOH) Financial Assistance Scheme by Tzu Chi Foundation (Singapore) provides meal and transport allowances to students from needy families. The award ceremony was held before the school year started so that students could start the new

Charity |

The Dance of a Lifetime of Love

The Dance of a Lifetime of Love

For dance teacher Zarina, hereditary diabetes, kidney failure and the amputation of her two legs meant that her days of dancing were over. Her tough circumstances touched the hearts of Tzu Chi volunteers who came forth with their help and comforting prese

Charity |

Hospitals Join Hands for Health and the Environment

Hospitals Join Hands for Health and the Environment

On 8 March 2015, the Khoo Teck Puat Hospital (KTPH) and Taiwan’s Tzu Chi Foundation co-organised the “HPH & Environment Symposium” to further their twin causes of health promotion and environmental protection. Tzu Chi also signed a Memorandum of Understan

Medicine |

Healthcare Professionals Renew their Calling

Healthcare Professionals Renew their Calling

Humanistic medicine is about giving of oneself to patients, and this was a recurring topic at the Singapore Tzu Chi International Medical Association (TIMA) Conference held at The Matrix, Biopolis, earlier in March. Inspired by the program and speakers, c

Medicine |

Lighting the Lamp of Humanism in the Medical Field

Lighting the Lamp of Humanism in the Medical Field

During the second day of the 2015 TIMA conference held in Singapore, many real life stories of the interactions between healthcare workers, volunteers, patients and their families were shared. The 340 participants gained a deeper understanding in the holi

Medicine |

A Selfless Gift ─ The Silent Mentor

A Selfless Gift ─ The Silent Mentor

On 6 March 2015, the first day of the TIMA Conference (Singapore), Prof. Tseng Guo-Fang, director of the Medical Simulation Centre at Tzu Chi University’s medical school, and Assoc. Prof. Ng Yee Kong from the Anatomy Department of the NUS medical...

Medicine |

Striving Towards Humanistic Healthcare

Striving Towards Humanistic Healthcare

With its theme of “Towards Humanistic Medicine,” the conference organized by the Singapore chapter of the Tzu Chi International Medical Association (TIMA) in March 2015 had attracted a total of 488 healthcare professionals from 11 countries and regions fo

Medicine |

Preparations for Tzu Chi’s First TIMA Conference in Singapore

Preparations for Tzu Chi’s First TIMA Conference in Singapore

The Tzu Chi Foundation (Singapore) will be organizing the first Tzu Chi International Medical Association (TIMA) Conference outside of Taiwan at the Matrix@Biopolis on 6 March 2015. Already, 460 local and overseas healthcare professionals have registered

Medicine |

Bringing Festive Joy to IMH Residents

Bringing Festive Joy to IMH Residents

With songs, music and dance, Tzu Chi volunteers brought Chinese New Year cheer to residents at the Institute of Mental Health, enlivening their lives with festive joy and warming their hearts with loving care.

Charity |

My Handiwork, My Contributions

My Handiwork, My Contributions

Many who came forward to help out at the Tzu Chi charity bazaar have their own life stories, and be their stories blissful or sorrowful, all of them were single minded in their wish to bring loving kindness to others. Among them were Madam Yang and...

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